Down in Bermuda

I brought the mysterious world of Down in Bermuda to life in 3D, crafting environments, characters, shaders and particle effects.

Yak & Co

Early concept art, 3D modelling, materials, shaders, particles.
Blender, Unity & Photoshop.

Shade-y Business

I made shaders in Unity’s Shader Graph to breathe life into the world through animated water effects, rustling foliage, swinging vines, glassy reflections, waterfalls, portals, procedural patterns, shiny crystals, toon shaded elements, pirate flags, screen-space effects and more!

From 2D to 3D

When modelling, my goal was to match the visual development work as closely as possible, ensuring shape and style were reflected and held up no matter the viewing angle when playing the game.

Additional Credit

Jac Nguyen

Visual Design

Mark White

Art Direction

Mark White

Art Direction

Art & Illustration